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Besides, you also said and wanted under the sistuation that she is all right."
Shi Shao Qiang's one Nu scolds a way:"You are a with intention to do a rightness with me is be not!You are perverse like this again,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, really can not return to head."
I shut worthy of a look, consumedly paused for breath for a while, slowly way:"Promise from I you of that from day, I have already canned not turn head!Besides, you think, on my hand, really only together think the knife of Bei belly?"
Was brave to just seem to guess what, and then became overdo to come to see my one eye.
Shi Shao Qiang is stunned speechless all of a sudden.He understands me naturally the meaning of this words, this answer of mine came from his all ideases to anticipate.
Is silent a short while, Shi Shao Qiang's way:"You think how far two of you can run to get."He is an intelligent person, know naturally I is with brave just together.
"The truth says to you and together think Bei in fact have been awake, she has already not once saided to want to pursue you, but you are a pertaining to crime to commit crime, the nation still will indict of, if you surrender to justice, the court will consider the attitude that victimizes a person and plus me is secretly mediating for you, you will judge very lightly.You turn head now, really still in time!If you return this attitude, I hereafter want to help not to ascend for you."
I smile, way:"Arrive by this time, you still want to come suddenly and leisurely me ah, you directly say her awake isn't better?"
Shi Shao Qiang thinks that I moved, not from say with smile:"See your boy how to play tricks with me!I have already thought, this matter is more surprised, but from a different angle, probably also our plans for abilities are also helpful, if you can wear the stripe a period of time, receiving soldier affirmation can't again to you have the slightest doubt."
Is a burst of huge cold in my heart, I don't thought of at all, Shi Shao Qiang arrive now, thought incredibly still his plan!And incredibly want to make use of me to wear the stripe to a composition chapter.
I didn't answer, Shi Shao Qiang seemed to realize what not satisfactory, have never continued again this topic, hustle along a way:"You is where, if you don't want in person go to police station, I to take you to go!"
I deeply shouted tone, slowly way:"In your heart, I whether just a pawn?"
Shi Shao Qiang's obviously hasing never thought me will say like this, not from for a while, square Nu way:"You thought of where go to, if I is careless of you and say with you so many why!Go, you are I just of all of the words are useless talks.You hereafter grow and perish by itself!"
"Do not so not calm down, it is your style to seem to be not."My tooking a look is driving of brave just, towarded the long way of Shi Shao Qiang.
Shi Shao Qiang lightly humed a , way:"Like, you say, how do you want to do?Greatly not an intentionally harm person's offense just, use wear wave vestige limits of the earth?"Then he depressed voice, lightly way:"Even if don't you think that the escaped convict that is a police again,still want to do a lifetime doesn't become?You the opportunity finally put in front of you, you choose by yourself."
Police?Is cold cold in my heart a smile.Since today, do I also have a connection with this occupation?
"Do I still have a choice?"I despise ground a smile.If not that is brave just beside, I really wanted to loudly say 1:"I killed so many people and also could make a police!"
"Have!You definitely have!As long as you are willing to listen to mine, be the matter this time as a precept, be willing to go to foolish period of time in the jail, I can use my on one's honor, you aren't only still a police in the future, even can attain our common dreams have been completing!"I understand a so-called common dream of what he said to mean naturally the matter of lifting to turn over to receive a soldier.Not from lightly shook to shake head:Lightly sigh a way:"You still keep thinking I go to a jail!That I can tell you, I can not do it!"
This is my brush-off Shi Shao Qiang's idea for the first time.Shi Shao Qiang's obviously hasing never thought my attitude is unexpectedly thus tough, not from some vexation, cold way:"You can not be a police, you can not do to act from inside, you have to choose to give up, good, I have no an opinion.But you if want to do an escaped convict, I definitely and personally catch you!To, also have your good brothers!"
"OK, all right, want ~only you to have skill!"My heart in drive just he makes every effort Jian I go to jail then fight to take the weird viewpoint of receiving the soldier trust to give depressed arrived all of a sudden, particularly still hear he bring up brave just, as well rose difficult to express treachery feeling in the heart.
Shi Shao Qiang is indeed as expected getting greater anger, cold way:"The young man unexpectatively experienced so many matters, you incredibly also could not change you that personality that excite.Is very good, I appreciate your courage and judgment, you are what I appropriate to develop all alone, I have been taking you for my own pupil to treat, I really don't thought of and receive a soldier still is carefree, but I had a day to turn over a face with you!"
As well having a little in my heart is difficult to express of lose, the taking out of a burst of in stomach pain spreads.This painful painful felling make me can not calm down.I sink a track:"You saw wrong I 1:00, you have to seek of person, don't should is my such a person of easy impulse, this occupation, is such me can not be competent!"
Shi Shao Qiang obviously disappoints very much.I even can want to see the extreme disappointment facial expression on his noodles, after all this road, I have already walked half year, and always very smooth.When his preparing to feel me probably can successfully approach to receive a soldier, but I suddenly give up.This felling, not only is a kind of stroke to him, even I feel that the life is impermanent.
"I ask again once, whether you really want to decide so!You know, you as long as saying that is a word, you have to betray of not only is only the commitment to me, but betray you by yourself by himself[herself] the future Mian embroiders life.You want well, how your future road meeting is dark?You wanted to have no!You were to make me disappoint too much."Shi Shao Qiang absolutely is use tone for shouting oneslef hoarse to bomb to call at my ear side.
I Hey ground from smiled for a while, looking at the heavy star out of the window, lightly way:"This in this world also separates the black and white?"
Du of a , I have already stired to cut the power.
Was brave to just is the person of extremely clever, just from our telephone confabulations, have been already guessed what, took a look me from see behind the mirror, suddenly and difficult to expressly on smiling, way:"Which day of which police?"
I order, smile way:"Want to know what, literally ask!"
Was brave to just towarded me to smile from the mirror, way:"Should be a very interesting piece matter, however I what don't want to know as well, you have to tell that day of mine, will definitely tell mine.Now, I as long as know that you are my brothers good, whatever you do, I support you throughout!"
I exhale a people long spirit and say with smile:"Now?What we could make only runs road now!"Is brave just ha ha on smiling, way:"That BE!"
"This descends you great, is going to the busy streets live as recluse also good, is going to the beyond the frontier put cow sheep to also get, even go to Russia to make an ocean girl, the elder brothers all accompanied you."Joking is a , I sink a track:"Not ability the gist of, the person just called me, fierce of, if he iron the heart want to deal with us, we really want to carefully cope with be."
Is brave just on smiling, on the mouth lightly Hey for a while, way:"Our text is two Yes, incredibly also start learning careful, not easy!Still remember not, during the days in the primary school who asked for you, even if is a young tiger form big fellow, your Ya of is also not through brains, lifted plank brick up."
I grasped to grasp a head, face tiny and red way:"Is difficult to still remember for you!"
Was brave to just order, way:"How to probably don't remember and see you today that knife know, you are still that son smelly temper, an urgently come right away fire.However is serious, I still like to excite to order of you, we are young men, if even was red-blooded to all have no, that life still has what mean."Say again lightly Hey for a while, way:"However how say, we must change of, otherwise really can not suit this society.Probably again much several years, you will also become as silent as I and closemouthed."
I smile, way:"Two incommunicative persons touch together, that is much dull.However you can say that again, I also feel that I more and more lives suppress, much time all feels that the life has no fun very much.However now like, have Related articles:

