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Get these absolute being machine, that is to lean against a great deal of funds or the relation in the reality, from Duo in the other people's hand come of, certainly I believe each result more, after all if someone has the ability the person who acquires a super absolute being machine.Can't would like to come out super absolute being machine contribution, and see according to the effect on the thing that can forbid other people's technical ability of this guy hand, affirmation is a super piece absolute being machine, so this super absolute being machine even if is what he acquires, on ground of his body absolute being machine nature he can also acquire, after all blessing good luck value Gao of person not only my a person.
"I know you!"The other party hears my ask words after.It is immediately affirmative ground of to answer a way.
"Since know, that you still ask."Hear after the words of the other party, I ain't smiled by ground.
The fondle a mulberry player to take no cognizance me of laugh merrily, the serious and very positive color ground towards me to call a way on the face:"I want to duel with you!"
"Duel?For what duel?"I still keep smiling, for the decision that he puts forward inattentive, although I am original meaning is also so, the other party since puts forward, my nature can't immediately agree, first pull and drag with the other party a burst of say again.
"For the sake of honor but affair of honor.Our Yamato people are most doughtily,cheap dr dre beats."That player clamors me again very with assurance some disdainfully looking at the other party, smiled to say with smile:"Is the strongest?You listen to who say of, fondle a mulberry mainland, I have ever been to many times.Can don't also see have who can seek how am I?It was on the contrary put out a quite a few city by me."I just finished saying and after death danced them to also all immediately smile indiscriminately, they were to go to some times and hand a mulberry mainland with me, is all big each time four break, although the other party once counter-attacked as well, but all had never canned seek we how, connect set up city in the sea city of town, they are in NPC together take a brigade to come to offend cities all don't can beat sea city in the town down, and was several times cleaned up by us after.Hand the mulberry mainland player ground whole real strenght but descend a lot.
" With I----The He of the east three too Lang!"That hands a mulberry player to superciliously point at oneself way.
"You?The He of the east three too Lang?Have never heard."I smiled happily ground to shake to shake head.
"Having never heard is unimportant, you soon know I is who, you China mainland up to now all didn't°yet an opponent that person is me, so I want to directly challenge you China mainland most doughtily the person is also you----Mock moon!"The He of the east three too the Lang point at me very overbearingly, the roll call way ground wants to challenge me.
"You arereally you is who ah, you say the challenge challenges ah, our eldest brother be not really have no face?"At I after death of Long Shou Tian suddenly the station come out to toward anti- hoot of the other party to get up.
Hear after Long Shou Tian's words, I not from Be getting more happy.This boy also knows how I think ground, know I can't so with literally and then meet challenge to battle, so the station comes out to pick me up, it lets the other party want to challenge me, have to seek some things of compromises.
"That's right, you say the challenge challenges, that our eldest brother be not have no a face very much?And who all all run to challenge our eldest brother, our eldest brother be not will be been annoyed by this every day?"Follow one's inclinations a station also come out call way:"Certainly you take out some sincerity comes out of words, probably also not is can not ground."
"That how do you want?"The He of the east three too the Lang looking at to follow one's inclinations.The answer waited to follow one's inclinations.
"How don't I want?Just see you having a sincerity just,cheap beats by dre."The meaning for following one's inclinations the nature just talk a condition with the other party.But my seeing to follow one's inclinations is gabbing with the other party, simply backed back.Back to hope a month only purine nearby, see to hope a month only purine to have to receive new news.
"How of sincerity, the mock moon is willing to accept my challenge."The He of the east three too the Lang turn a head to took a look me again, toward following one's inclinations to inquire a way.
"This sincerity, certainly is that you say, certainly if you would like to send the trifle that can forbid all technical abilities to us the words of eldest brother, this sincerity consumedly has, certainly our eldest brother will also have much of sincerity ground don't use a technical ability attack you, so you also equal don't lose that trifle, you say BE?"Follow one's inclinations a face full of smiles ground time way.
Arbitrarily the words are very obvious, be want to jump a claim the other party, the the super absolute being machine that can forbid all technical abilities, as for make me don't use a technical ability attack, this combine nothing important, if the other party really agreed, don't use not use, greatly not open the effect that that super absolute being machine forbids technical ability, so the other party can not use technical ability, either and also equal a super absolute being machine still is using to forbid the effect of skill, just changed a host.Certainly the other party will can't idiot agree that the arbitrary words still hard to say, after all the other party is also incompletely that one is stupid
Is alas, and then is that the N is long don't renew, I almost forgot story details by myself and was today fight for renewing two more chapters, probably still can not insist keeps on renewal for a month, this everyone forgive..........
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The text grand prospects Ba industry difficult few heroses exert chapter 668 to arouse wager
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Grand prospects Ba industry the difficult few heroses exert chapter 66 to arouse wager
"Hum, do you think that I will fall into trap?"The He of the east three too the Lang anti- derision sort looking at to follow one's inclinations.
"Certainly, unless you think that you is a pig."Follow one's inclinations to still keep smiling happily ground to answer a way, follow one's inclinations of words basically not to the other party way out, gives the other party two choices, 1 are to fall into trap to come out super absolute being machine contribution, another be acknowledgement oneself is a pig.
"You ……" east He three too the Lang temporarily don't know as well how reply to follow one's inclinations, no matter how it is, choose, isn't all what he wants, the best result is an openings not, or ignore arbitrary words.
But east He three too Lang after death of those 2 people, if is in the combat, probably can also help a point favour, but the dialogue like this isn't their professional of, so finally have to remain from east He three too the Lang cope with by himself/herself, east He three too the Lang again changed direction a face I, toward me to loudly say:"The mock moon stops doing to shrink a tortoise and gives me the station to come out to duel with me!"
"With what?Say does a reason let me listen to?"I wreathed in smiles the ground looking at the other party and put an appearance that completely didn't fight meaning, just follow one's inclinations of have already made his mindset to fly, go up now and the other party to war, become a giving vent to anger of the other party tube, probably the other party can also develop export surplus to lead absolute real strenght, so I rather still drag along, a drum makes spirit,beats by dre uk, again but Shuai, three but Jie, this truth I still understand.
" Have no an opponent that is me up to now with your China mainland, so I want to challenge you this China mainland first superior."The He of the east three too the Lang loudly answer a way.
I smile to counter-question a way:", You think and then take with you the super absolute being machine humiliates those to even have no absolute being machines a garbage even if is a superior?, So when I also arrived you to hand a mulberry mainland before still a picked N many, didn't your Zha jump out at that time?"
If"you ……" east He three too Lang didn't realize my behind, on the contrary become some dare not believe ground to looking at me, point at me to exclaim a way:"You how can anyone know do I have a super absolute being machine?"
"This is very obvious, allow who all know my mock moon contains an absolute being machine, can forbid evil forbid a skill, but absolute being machine also can forbid S class technical ability as follows.But you can forbid S class technical ability, and sorcery Wu Ji gave to forbid together at the same time, this not and obviously put clear your body up have a super absolute being machine?And super absolute being machine again be not only you are a , you are still true to be a treasure."I smiled to smile, direct the thing way that basically all players know come out, this probably only east He three too the Lang don't know by himself/herself.The just so-called authorities is fond of also.
"H'm ……" east He three too Lang temporarily and rendered speechless, my words fight for him a lot too big, and unexpectedly still nobody remind him, put clear is to want to show people his joke, unfortunately he to was held to fly a sky, didn't basically and never once think this and also thought those people really admire own of solid Related articles:

