
monster beats on't thought of of i

The time procures a man sun steel and iron works ground plan.The shareholder of leaving is five Xuan Rens to wait three Guangdong merchant princes and Zheng Guan should with Tan Yan 闿 .Tan Yan 闿 all anyway wants and occupies at least 100 of 51 of share of, however he also means 49% ground share of that the rest everyone divides equally and leaves according to own will and the ability, if someone would not like to he then all undertakes down.
Don't say Tan Yan 闿 , leave of share how can does no one want?Two Guangdong businessmen were just symbols to have 8%, five Xuan Rens haven't waited Zheng Guan in response to Zhang Kou and then opened and occupy 30% of shares!Reckon to stay not enough 20% that should keep in mind with prosperous for Zheng Guan like this.Than at the beginning Tan Yan 闿 promise to still have to be little for their quotas, Zheng Guan should put forward objection to this, hope to occupy for the share problem up re- negotiate, hope to acquire more shares with this.
Five Xuan Rens have already known the inside situation of man sun steel and iron works, to the coal mine ground affair also need not worry, should have bottom spirit more than Zheng Guan naturally, much less he has already been secretly reaching an alliance with Tan Yan 闿 , don't say that Zheng Guan should want to occupy 30% share.Is 20% share, he woulds not like to let to go out, either.Zheng Guan should have never thoughted of a man sun steel and iron works this broke a mess incredibly to become joss-stick in this time Bo Bo, kill halfway a distance bites a gold to battle out share with oneself, this really made him feeling surprised too much.
Five Xuan Rens and Zheng Guan should argue not next, Tan Yan 闿's proposal puts off this problem first.Wait and the hole of piece talked after steel and iron works procures a price problem, they 2 then talk the problem of share according to own real strenght-personal proportion of share hadn't only only want to be procuring to pay a funds for corresponding for a ground of time.Still want to continue to note a property according to personal proportion covered after procuring!
This condition is a Ke to extremely engrave, because Tan Yan 闿 and the holes of piece all have a common viewpoint-steel and railroads all relate to a nation stability of important industry, and spin and weave industry different, in this hand that must is to completely control in the Chinese just can, the foreign capital is to absolutely can not participate in incoming.At the beginning the hole of piece would not like to choose prosperous Xuan Huai, is also pass ex- bureau of officer from weaving in Hubei always does the prosperous spring Yi once got in touch with, the prosperous distinctly borrows toward the foreign foreign firm on the hoof bank again to reorganize after keeping in mind ten to have 89 and get steel and iron works man sun steel and iron works of,monster beats, this is exactly the result that the hole of piece would not like to see.
Tan Yan 闿 also hopes to use thus the very Ke engraves of the item don't occupy in the share of man sun steel and iron works to inhibitting the capital that the prosperous keeps in mind too many, in case the later tail greatly doesn't drop an advantage not to manage and kicks out prosperous surname the bureau is early and then in advance conceive a good affair, if not for the sake of the resources in prosperous Xuan Huai Shou, Tan Yan 闿 even all doesn't want to make prosperous Xuan Huai be stained with a side.Like Tan Yan 闿 general, prosperous Xuan Huai is to early and early think greatly of the steel and iron works in the hole hand of piece, Tan Yan 闿 participates to come in to make him feeling caught unprepared, and the powerful supporter of the other party also not is he can ask for of rise of, but he still keeps wanting dangerous spot to pull out a tooth-Tan Zhong Lin all already 34, can also do how many years of keep belonging to governor of province and north ocean big minister?Is his prosperous Xuan Huai to counter-attack after waiting Tan Zhong Lin to come off stage of, previously at the man is in the sun steel and iron works occupy the share of certain proportion also for the sake of hereafter counter-attack of demand.
So though the item that procures man sun steel and iron works is a such Ke to engrave, but Zheng Guan should still keep insisting after getting a suggesting of prosperous bosom.Could not have after the cheapness on the surplus share, Zheng Guan should change direction vision that those two Guangzhou merchant princes that hold 100 centses of prescribed-form, make as a result Zheng Guan shoulded don't thought of of is these two merchant princes have already alienated the share in the hand 4% to five Xuan Rens, leave of share they are to anyway don't alienate as well.On the other hand they looking at Tan Yan 闿's ship rises with the tide and save to attach with Tan Yan 闿's purpose before coming to Wu Chang, if some shares all don't have, that what do they return to Wu Chang Gan?!
Since already at
Department unified to procure man sun steel and iron works of opinion, Tan Yan 闿 and the hole of piece definitely procure a detail negotiation and include to procure price, with what way to pay an etc., however these is the atest leisure to Tan Yan 闿 , these matters have already handed over to Zheng Guan should and five Xuan Rens come and go to do, while their negotiation opponents are son-in-law, Chen Nian 礽 , of the hole of piece.Compare to seem to be too childish in these two experienced person in fronts under Chen Nian 礽 , Zheng Guan should and five Xuan Ren three times five divided by two then sounded out the selling of hole bottom limit of piece, five Xuan Rens lend this opportunity and plotted secretly against Zheng Guan should, put forward is all big tickets that silver or save to exchange now to transfer to a time of completion to procure.
"4,300,002!"Tan Yan 闿 slowly says:"This is a very quite good land price space!According to negotiating me will undertake among them 2,193,002.You are two company measures of how?Then it's procuring price has already indeed settled down.We have to implement the completion that the contract comes to clean benefit Suo right away man sun steel and iron works the ground procure an activity!"
Looking at none of 2 people to talk, Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile:"Pottery Zhai elder brother, at the beginning I once with you and almond the elder brother once said.The share that can divide to your 20%, certainly if company's regiment in Guangdong give up of share you if have intention to can also procure, unfortunately now six feather elder brother also equally have intention to at the steel and iron works, that according to we at the beginning of agreement almond elder brother also the share that can occupy 20%, by so doing and exactly your 2 people divides equally to leave a ground of share, 2 sees to arrange like this how?!"
"But six feather the elder brother still secretly procured another 2 people's 4% of shares.Doing like this can be not all right!"Zheng Guan should say chillily.Say the true, Zheng Guan still marvels financial power of this mysterious five Xuan Rens very much in response to the heart bottom of, it is silver to know all to procure share now, also want hereafter carry on again to note a property according to the share proportion, if divide equally share ground words, that means 1 time to note to support 1,000,000 many two, after procuring note property more with 100,002th, compute, when is the rich in China so many?!
"Has not the pottery Zhai elder brother beaten these 4% of ideas of shares as well?Do business.Is quick moving is slow moving to have no, if pottery Zhai elder brother's some other day can first I am five someone one steps, I five someones is to recognize ground!"Five Xuan Rens aren't salty to not and thinly say.Speak of to in a couple of days get along with, five Xuan Rens for Zheng Guan should still the heart living esteem.Presume and real strenght the strong foreigner archduke take charge of an entirely different big dozen company to fight and force opponent to accept his/her own condition with this.This isn't what owners all has this courage, and come to Zheng Guan should be all similar to Tan Yan 闿 to situation much judgment of the future for these several days, this must say to is astonishment to five Xuan Rens.
"Ha ha, pottery Zhai elder brother, six feather elder brother, you don't want Zheng again, so leave of 41% pottery Zhai the elder brothers get more 1% and calculate at me an elder brother to compensate offense to the almond, so how?!"Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile.
Zheng Guan should see this station starting to say:"Do not dare!Don't dare!Six feather elder brother well said, quick moving is slow moving to have no, want ~only the set how can and enough divide those 21% of shares to at under all right already!"
"This like, isn't it a friendliness is a source of wealth to do business?!Although at under occupy more than half the number stocks, the theory management manages me is clap a horse to also fail to catch two, the luck of steel and iron works from now on make a living to produce, the younger brother entrusted to two elder brothers.The next move is the Zhang eyes that checks all steel and iron workses, dig out all moths to me, ignoring their backstages is who, I don't make them to become bankrupt me let him of surname!"While just starting talking Tan Yan 闿 is still smiling of, after making reference to half sentence of time, Zheng Guan should have already felt that his/her own heart bottom's knotting 1 F ice is general.
"Say the true, these 4,300,002 really was a bit expensive, several days ago, the pottery Zhai elder brother even once said these equipmentses if they to purchase, at most spending the silver of 60% then could buy back and calculated calculate we white gave away to go out nearly 2,000,002 silvers!"Five Xuan Rens lightly say.
"Hum, six feather the elder brother trust like, this steel and iron works just procured to come in us to at the right moment lack silver, this hole is repaired by them quite the cheese however ……pottery Zhai elder brother, now steel Related articles:

