
Monster Beats nate ocean be blown

, Make in raising the foundation of quality the weight of battle armor on the contrary still descend one part, the features is also more beautiful and humanized, so seem to be to have no so swollen with bulky.The tigers riflemans that bare a pair of eyes carry on the shoulder the wood pole steel point of tigers tooth Tu sting gun, one handle knob knife tightly inclined back at after carry on the back.
The behind is close behind is the knife card of the hard Rui camp hand, again behind shoot a camp behind the absolute being of growing the bow's back, these long bow hand in addition to carry a long bow with one tube arrows tube, also carry a wild goose Ling knife, once needing, can immediately let go of long the bow become the knife hand that the near body fights, at their after death would be a Nu machine camp and hope to see go to whole drive carry on the shoulder the absolute being arm on the shoulder Nu.
In China as battalion is slowly approaching, Persia south each one of the wing big camp greatly open and gush 100,000 Persia non-commissioned officers, according to long classification stations, such as rifleman, bow and arrow hand and shield hand...etc. good.After wave knew mountain greatly hurt, the vulgar Si paid and Persia the person aimed at China the person's war method thought a lot of ways, end Persia the soldier absorbed a lot of war methods of Rome army corpses, after all person in Rome's infantry phalanx and army corps world famous, and Persia the person beat handing over of hundreds of years with person in Rome way, certainly also learned a lot of things, at the right moment could use to deal with China person.
Now the China person beats to come come, Persia person at receive the vulgar Si in city pays of order after, immediately whole soldier camp connects a war, because if be blocked up in the big camp bother big, may become be blocked up in the rat in the nest.Because the first, big camp can not let the battalion launch a brigade form, can not carry on each soldier to grow match cooperation, second, big camp unlike method of Yi Si rare city.Having no insurance can depend on, and the big camp is continuous ascend several inside, so can not get the method of Yi Si thermodynamic power support in the rare city.
Led a many hours, two soldiers were separated a good of several hundred meters row, the whole battlefield suddenly becomes to solemnly silent get up a while.Have already got into to face to fight a stage now, both parties all secretly suppress enough a strength, preparation at belligerence of a moment suddenly break out.
Once China wears serial soft A, the outside was as usual set of piece green soap Gua tunic, on the head still just a hair Ji.He incites to sit to ride.To rush to go in, behind and tightly follow three noodles the big ensign is in the center "double dish dragon" ground national flag, the left side is "blue and yellow five planets" of army's ensign, the right side is badge ensign in the royal house of "white bottom black Ding".
Once China once wore from 10000, the China non-commissioned officer was used fanaticism of of the look in the eyes follows this figure.They would like to follow this figure to go to each place in the world to go.This book's redistributing a literature net www. is 16 ks.cN
Once China looking at oneself once swayed of a face, suddenly thought of when oneself just arrived at this world more than 50 years ago, oneself ran into a group of souths to escape of flowed a people, at that time was also a face be ownly and in the moment once swaying.But at that time flooded all of the grounds in the oneself's view are in fear, sorrow, helpless and despair.Now, these descendants that flow a people, now but have already stood at ten thousand in outside.Their eyes inside is full to is self-confidence, proud of, concussion and to the future desire.
Once China didn't thought of to will arrive at this different world, didn't thought of that oneself can live till now, doing not thought of nearby can come together a group of persons, doing not thought of can take these people walk to here, didn't evening thought of can guide China and walk this situation till today.Probably and from now on and China the race can't struggle in the fatuity and the barbarism time and time again, can't be shutting to guard in snow corner in Shandong, it will move forward to walk into this big bush in world and send out the Wei of great king to roar.
Thought of here.Once the China momentary heroism suddenly rose, he stopped bridle and stood in the soldier, then pulled out steel between waists knife, and Gao highland raised, then roared loud a way:"China and necessarily win!"
The whole China soldier drive once China this roared Gao to spark.Non-commissioned officers allly all Gao highland raised the weapon in the hand.Zong voice Gao Hou gets up:"China and necessarily win!"Roaring cry elephant the hurricane is similar, join the army a center beginning.Is quick to take everything away to the surroundings, finally collect into huge strength, hurtle to the world.
Once China Cao postponed a point to nod, then steel knife forward a flick.The Cao postpones to immediately shout at top of voice:"After blowing, the whole army goes forward!"
Male far clarion call like is the sea Wang Di's clarion call, black and white the alternate ocean be blown by this clarion call seethe, and curled up huge big wave Hai wave to hurtle forward.
The tiger rifleman is forward inclined to raise the long gun on the shoulder, the in file continues to go forward, behind ground knife card hand, long bow hand, absolute being arm the crossbowman at every step follow close behind,Monster Beats.
See China the soldier contained action, Xue Qie Xi Si with one action hand, Persia the shield hand immediately hurtle to the ex-est and long gun in follow close behind afterward, the bow and arrow hand also worked well to shoot preparation.
When most two soldiers forward only has several meters, the China soldier after death and suddenly shouts of a Teng rise huge black cloud, to Persia the soldier fly to, this ring huge, even covered up to start to fly at the same time of a white cloud.The black cloud nature is to smell the various country breeze extremely frightened of absolute being arm Nu project of iron arrows, but the white cloud then grows the wood pole feather arrows of bow projection.Although the long bow of China doesn't have absolute being arm Nu a fierce far Yang, but power not and about, because absolute being arm Nu with fierce win victory, long bow but is won victory with amount.100,000 China soldiers, remove 20,000 absolute being arm crossbowman, 10,000 tiger riflemans, 20,000 knife card hand and is number not much Mo knife hand, rest 50,000 whole is long bow hand, a shoot be a big slice of.
Still several thousand long iron arrowses mixed therein, all of these are the bed Nu emissive of.The more than 200 bed Nus together goes forward in the camp in the Nu machine, hears one order under, hears bed Nu a Mao be, the Nu machine moves, six long iron arrowses are immediately sent by four huge bows ascend the sky, fly of long iron arrows very the javelin of army corps in elephant Rome, but the emasculation wants to be ten fast fierce, regardless is the Persia non-commissioned officer that fights a horse or wears battle armor A, will fall to the ground ground at it that a moment be nailed to wear.
Arrows rain baptized three times just, China soldier and Persia the soldier finally and formally have already mounted fire.Two soldiers immediately the elephant Rong syrup ran into sea water, in a twinkling burst out hugely voice to ring.
Persia the soldier is used to sign like similar army corps in Rome the shield of ground constituted a hugely"steel defense line", a pay the long pike is from the shield of stretched out in blind side, direction just and slowly come over here of China non-commissioned officer.
The China tiger gun camp at will soon with Persia the soldier hand over fire of order along with one of each camp before several interests, the tiger rifleman is treading slow enter did a small adjustment.First row motionless, the second row was whole to move toward the left side two, third row rightwards the side moved two, and one by one in order the type push a line of rows the ground Be or so to move, and tinily drew back the crevice of or so mutual.So the tiger gun just still aligned before or after the camp become front and back interleave to get up a while.But this time, a line of tigers rifleman has already walked to Persia person of front of.

The text chapter 279- Yi Si method is rare(four)
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"Kill!", The tiger rifleman of first row together the voice roar loud a way, Ning waist with all strength one sting, the point of a spear of steel Zhu pierced through a while drive Persia the person send with heavy hope of shield.After all and China tiger rifleman is is all specially selected to come out, and few years even what more than 10 years do is this several recruit a the Tu sting, side let to pull out a gun with all strength, again with all strength Tu sting.So their this gun explosion comes out of the strength is what Persia person can not imagine, big this strength, match with the point of a spear that the Jing steel casts again, is iron wall to also want to tie to you a hole.Besides and Persia the person's shield returns just to outside wrap iron inside the wood, and want in consideration of take convenience, the thickness can not at will increase, so stab in the Tu of tiger gun under none not drive firm a hole.
The tiger gun is from the hole of shield in keep wearing in the past, again firm lead Persia shield hand not thick battle armor, had been tying into an inside of flesh and blood in.Start to be suffused with a bloody flavor in the whole soldier immediately.
No matter the tiger rifleman of first row has firm medium target, when the gun posture run out quickly, the body is one side, or so make a per person much wide of crevice.And the hands comply with the surrounding to hereafter make an effort and start pulling out a gun.Because point of a spear and gun body of tiger gun merge into an integral whole and plus there are still three long long blood slots on the point of a spear, so pulling out a gun is very easily smooth.Is many Persia shield hand at pull out a gun of that for an instant, because of blood Related articles:

