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South"also open mouth at this time:"Fundamentally, all of all theses are what the representatives of NATO allieses didn't be present arouse, and take what two parties are hostile to each other is a Vietnamese by himself[herself], I do a justice, is since a parliament here, should not lead long to pull private old grudge, everyone might as well let go of this matter first, after permitting parliament be over, NATO allies organization and the private settlement of Ya Jia Er, does everyone think?"
Zhang Zhe and Gao Chang Haos almost thoughted of at the same time a phrase to describes him-shameless!

Text 245 chapter appetites are very big!
Renew time:2010-5-232:44:57 chapter word numbers:7774

Chinese people after the development of these in the last yearses, subordinate still have some small influence depend on of, so"Chen Nan"'s words sound just fall, immediately ten several people noded attach and, and previous Zhang Zhe with thunderbolt means solution dropped Fan Liang just, others is exactly or so sway not certain of time, detection so many people support Chinese people organization, also had to follow nod, more and more of person agreed Vietnamese and Indonesian's private settlement, Gao Chang Hao knew that the general situation has been already gone, could sigh a , unwillingly sit good enough son up.
The parliament unwillingly gets into correct path, can parliament's managing have already died in this, didn't manage, everyone temporarily didn't know to negotiate which, all put together whispers, quiet quiet wait for.
Zhang Zhe with pull the Er man nods to understand towards seeing one eye, the latter, stand up say:"The parliament needs to be managed, I suggest everyone to recommend 1 to manage together."
Really, although manage a nothing important identity in the assembly hall, some works have to from manage to do, although the underneath person didn't immediately nod approval,also no one make a noise to answer criticism, the assembly hall is very quiet, only have a bulky breath voice this that Fu.
Make people surprised BE, Gao Chang Hao incredibly the first express consent, who can see this Korean with pull Er man the captain contain very deep cleft, he can agree with the proposal of pulling the Er man and pour let underneath these idea complicated pirate leaders temporarily catch mo not and deeply his intention.However this doesn't influence their support, very quick join to support row or column for someone, pull along with the sea Rui and one by one in order noding of 2"Chen Nan"s, pull Er man of this the proposal be passed by the whole ticket.
Replacing the topic pulls Er man to put forward, so will be nominated by him to manage a candidate, public put vision in pulling Er man body, wait for his nomination.
Pull Er man to like this felling very much, that drive a felling that is valued, naturally absorbed a cigar, pulled Er man to slowly say:"Mr. Martin always be responsible for a casino work, his work attitude everyone is obvious to all, careful and responsible, his elaboration is also what I appreciate, so I suggest to make Mr. Martin as a new parliament a term to manage."
Seem the Xu strives for already a long time and pulls Er man while saying this words, Martin silently appears present medium, the all theses all escape however Gao Chang Hao's eyes, but he can't obstruct, or, he doesn't have reason arrestment.
The proposal that pulls Er man indeed as expected has much person's support, after all the parliament manages although this fame is good to listen,have no actual benefits, the others nature can't fight for and plus support that the sea Rui pulls, and declaring of Chen Nan, vote basically this time have never needed Gao Chang Hao to nod, directly pass.
Everything all are like to arrange good similar, Martin is support to everyone first to mean a with gratitude, then opens the minutes that the Li Yun is used, directly turn to go into a positive, start to do a matter to the slightest don't drag along mire to take water, this makes public become higher to his evaluation 1 F.
Only the disaffection of Gao Chang Hao this kind of result, think that oneself seems superfluous person here, there is the suspicion of play such roles.The in the mind hates into marrow to the Zhang Zhe's previous performance, the in the mind comforts himself/herself and lets this boy leap 跶 a short while first and waits until a turning point to his deadly blow.
Martin is more seriously many than Li Yun on the attitude, he knows that he should be what, although the underneath has 100 pairs of near eyes stare at their oneselfs,he doesn't think idea, light say:"BE now chaired a meeting by me, talk first what time request, can not loudly clamor on the assembly hall, can not hand over a head to connect an ear, can not go to bed, can not create a big noise, there is different opinion having to raise hand, after I agree, just can speak."
This what time request to have been existing, just the nobody would like to obey just, so at the time that Martin put forward, those pirate leaders didn't put in the mind, the eye bottom took very thick despise.
Martin combines the despise of ignoring these people, because he knows it in heart, this assembly hall already drive complete control, anyones don't want to turn over a wave flower here.
See the vision that Zhang Zhe presses, Martin understands a way:"Underneath, we come to discuss the new problem that the waters divides the line all of a sudden."
Waiting is so long, this is the main point, this talks a , the board room blasted open a pot, public hand over a head to connect an ear, discussion in succession, Hun however just can not the warning clamoring throw to the back of the brain, Zhang Zhe dislikes this kind of abuzz atmosphere very much, not from show unintentionally dissatisfied emotion, Martin understands and heavily strike to strike table's top and drew on the vision of owner, then cold track:"Everyone seemed to forget a parliament request, don't I repeat 1 time again?"
For his parlance, the most people disagrees, the heart says:Do you calculate what things?How do we want to still want you to come to interfere with?Is true and be the dish vegetables to oneself?
Certainly also a small parts of persons shut ascend mouth, these people mostly intelligent person, from bursting upon of Martin smelt a dissimilarity usually of flavor, they decide to observe first and hope to seek quasi- direction of wind.
Zhang Zhe sees Martin earthquake Zhe not to live these old cunning, helplessly walk to him nearby, strike the eagle of desert heavily on the table's top, the condition immediately pipes down.
Looking at everybody be full of to fear, and mix up interrogative vision, Zhang Zhe claps a palm, friendly way:"Is sorry, I miss everyone possible really requested parliament to forget, I repeated here a time of, everyone can listen to clear, can not loudly clamor on the assembly hall, can not hand over a head and connect an ear, can not go to bed, can not create a big noise, there is different opinion having to raise hand,beats by dre studio hd, by Mr. Martin agree hereafter just can speak!Did everyone listen to understand now?"
Is public to unanimously nod, useless talk, that gun muzzle points at himself/herself, not understand also difficult!
Cloudy or sunny not certain of the face of Gao Chang Hao, from a moment of Zhang Zhe Tao's gun, he has already sent out secret password, can make him disappoint very much as a result, oneself ambushes at outside of the person incredibly have no some action and only spend a small time of farmland Lang this brigade mean to receive, however this brigade is to belong to prepare a brigade, still just room in foolish, this means that two other squads have been already had an accident, own dark recruit only afraid have already been realized by the other party, as for the other party how realizes, become Gao Chang Hao the problem that have a headache most at the moment.
Traitor?Probably only internal then the spy can explain this time the failure of the task.He which know, from the him and Li Jiu Tiao, flower farmland small time a moment that the Lang matches to strive for rises, already be stared at by Zhang Zhe last, under the help of left thin Yan, Zhang Zhe is to is clear Gao Chang Hao's whole scheme.
Scheme of so call that it is a scheme, that be back ground the inside Yin person's stratagem, be scheme once the bao exposes, thoroughly lost a function.Gao Chang Hao fears most now of is Zhang Zhe to take oneself to have operation, so he chooses a low key, choose to avert from Zhang Zhe relentless of vision.
For Gao Chang Hao's reflection, Zhang Zhe is as early as to anticipate in, if he sat not to live now, that also didn't match to become own opponent, tiny Han head, signal hint Martin to keep on continuing, but the vision has been falling on the Gao Chang Hao's face.As for"Chen Nan", Zhang Zhe also doesn't want to expose him now, because he still has very high exploitation value to he, and what he represent is the American's benefits, will not allow Ya Jia Er wrong of.
Ya Jia Er is located in the eastern waters of Ma Liu Jia, surroundings although have no with it compare of influence, allied put together also can not small Qu, this time what Martin puts forward, be those influence and jump a claim of all of the waters divide the line to Ya Jia Er, appetite very big, intend to only swallow Ma Liu Jia!
When Martin puts forward to integrate Ma Liu Jia and peripheral waters influence, immediately aroused underneath mightiness Related articles:

