
beats by dre studio er is this world rea

 "?Is map in the world?The Qing said it where lately?"Sun Lou's fascination full of lifely asks a way.
"Return to his majesty, this map not only added many group of islandses that discover never befores and corrected the mistake of a series of geography.More important is the minister waits has been in many ways researched to carry on to re- divide the line on the earth to each big continent."The square says by Zhi signal hint attendant at the side of body to hang up that world map toward the impress and the present public demonstration way:"Mainland on this new map the soil by the morning, Tao soil, the letter soil, the white soil, opens soil, fatty soil, become soil, fertile fields, the concealed soil was divided into nine greatest continents.This big nine continents are respectively:China."
"China, Rong continent, the sun continent, the wing continent, matches continent, pillar continent, Xuan continent, face continent, thin continent?"Hope be divided the line into nine maps in the world of version piece, immediately fell into an one disturbance on the scene.The diplomatic corps who comes from Europe is surely the new world that suddenly divides the line for the oriental to feel shocked.But the subjects of a ruler of China empire don't already are then these words excitements for acquainting with.
"The his majesty saint is clear.99 return a!This was mostthe old man to once see most map in the world of in proper form!"A old parliamentarian excitedly and loudly praise way.
"That's right, this is most the big continent demarcation of science, world originally should such divide the line.The empire is long live!"Another councilmen attach and way.
"My emperor is long live!The his highness of prince imperial is long live!The empire is long live!"The outside inside the assembly hall is again drowned by the war whoop of high Kang for an instant.But Sun Lou then respond to the subjects of a ruler intense emotion with the smiling face of in proper form,beats by dre studio.Although to her such a world map is a completely unfamiliar thing.But assign name to for a thing, mean to let it is born for itself.The China empire in nowadays has enough real strenght to declare this world as oneself but voice to the people of this world.
However is this world really a certain clan but living?Sun Lou quietly leaves a seat in the war whoop being full of arrogant and gasconade.The front door of scarlet color at her be after death and lightly closed, the aisle of in front gloom seems an eye to hope not and in the end!

--(Is over)

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