
Beats by Dr Dre studio g of the awe-inspiri

"Thank teacher for dissolving small fairy heart knot, the teacher teaches pupil to dare to forget, hereafter definitely double effort, in order to early become achievement."
New book 《the evil soul records of the demon maneuver 》 has already started uploading and hopes that the book friends that like my work come to pay tribute more, medium the mountain fox once thanks here!Already more than 70,000 words got into a new book ranking, but the placings hope that everyone lifts up for me after depending very much, medium the mountain fox be extremely grateful!!There is a superfluous recommendation ticket hitting demon to maneuver to come up possibly!

Chapter 19 confused conflict Yi starts

I want to look for ownly road of fixing the fairy and differ from your to fix the road of fairy, a be not use the same kind blood and didn't stop of kill to spread of bloody road.The beard small fairy brings numerous impacts to be small and belongs to ownly road of fixing the fairy and have never livinged come like this everyday anxious felling, the words of beard small fairy let in their heart and accomplish already to cover up last thousand yearses of thought deeply to float at heart gradually.The silver stick is greatly a headache, this time if lose morale of troops again, own so of thousand demons will will fail by a small margin, all effort whole amounts paid east to flow.
"Strong for this is the God's way to make however, the world is unkind to take creation as a Chu dog, no one can escape from the rule of this iron, if what to be vanquished is cloud English today, and perhaps you are mortal to see."The voice of silver stick iciness invokes public mind back, " doesn't want to think to put to be a hypocritically the shape can confuse us, even if is to have already worked properly a monster help, victory or defeat who belong to still an unknown, you have reinforcements can I not have.Come out, my evil boundary strange soldier!"Because his one roars loud, from a distance one black cloud fills the air, the air flies to black cloud of one.
"Evil monster!"Chen Song's facial expression is tiny tiny a sink a way:"All of these are 100 evil monsters for escaping!"For head the evil wolf that is exactly that to almost make Li Xin die, after death a long black bat of about 7 Chinese feet very attractive, centipede, scorpion and spider, each not below thousand years, about 2310 real strenght are really quite good, particularly is BE the evil wolf and black bat of head.
Cloud English is light a say with smile:"These are anticipated with so-called victory and defeat idea outside of factor?Evil boundary strange soldier however is some straggling soldiers bad generals unworthy on lifting, if the trick of silver stick is only limited by this, so this war was to make me disappoint too much.You are that this is a few to make me despise most in the evil souls of a , waste you or practiced moral teachings 6,000 years of top-class wise powerful rulerses, unexpectedly make out these tiny end tricks, lost face."Once the big hand lift, fly in the golden light for a sky, Peng and seven tailses work properly fox, gold tiger, huge ape and Dan crest the snow crane flew out in succession, each is more than 5,000 yearses way line, " thanks gold tiger's elder and makes that evil wolf taking down and flies for a sky, can the Peng be steady and win should be called and fly for a sky, the evil monster of bat, the shortage leaving works properly ape elder, seven tails and works properly fox and protects a method, Dan crest for the Lyu snow crane and protects a method to be able to handle."
5 works properly a monster together the voice receive orders and flew to go out, threatening force pressingly face last that evil boundary strange soldier, the facial expression of the silver stick is a bit tiny to isn't very good, the his taste fierce nature can see out these five severe degrees that work properly a monster.Still keep taking a light smiling face way on cloud English face:"Nine grounds of right and wrongs in Hua Mountain can not stay a long while, if everyone can immediately leave, cloud English can also put you a way out, haven't issued order to launch us at me seven time for always offending, you not is have no what opportunity escape."
Silver stick dark call badly, because he has already seen several ten devils disappearance at own view in, be like a rabbit demon the true gentleman of female, wire wise powerful ruler and wild dog, poison tail wise powerful ruler, thick soil wise powerful ruler, thief, Huang Mao's wise powerful ruler, blare cicada gentleman and colourful Die pretty woman superiors like this all some hesitant.After all many foot wise powerful rulers this record of previous crime makes their at heart shocking not small, although many feet have already got hurt before fighting, but three recruit and then almost lose the ability for resisting, and cloud English's towarding stem was too dangerous.But their heart in still keep still being hesitating, they are different from the nearby small devil, they walked unimportant defect, if oneself superior like this in public the Qie war flee for life, really difficult hereafter raise head.
"Even if you cloud English promise to pass us, the way door middleman can't agrees with, either of, cloud English, you need not waste argument, the war of freak two clans is unavoidable, since you don't think people live in wretched conditions, we carry on a superior of equity to how definitely?"Silver stick loudly way:"You way door always from the Xu just and upright, dare with we demon clan superior a definitely superiority?You however is rely on to begin then medium method machine and some strategies can inhibit our demon clan, talk about real strenght now we are unlike you bad,Beats by Dr Dre studio."Although the small devil walked 10-78, save the real strenght for staying now hard put together, the demon clan isn't the possibility that didn't win, the real strenght true discrepancy isn't a lot of, if expel have already flown over five words that work properly a monster of dealing with the evil boundary strange soldier.
Poison tail wise powerful ruler chilly way:"Hum, the way door middleman has what fantastic of, Lao Tze once kills of is not in the minority.Who there is a skill daring to come up and I one war?!"
The thick soil wise powerful ruler carries on the shoulder huge blood Wang Shen Fu loudly way:"I thick soil wise powerful ruler also not is save an oily light, who dare with me a definitely does the life and death come up to try and see and see Lao Tze's blood whether Wang Shen Fu is still sharp?"Two voices of devils was full of demon dint, included a certain let the thing that people have a boiling passion, the devils the vehemence Be a burst of to increase.
The wild dog true gentleman has been to be good at making use of environment and flap arm a shout a way:"The way door has no what special of, want ~only we demon clan united consistent, only the way boundary doesn't mention it and destroy completely a door here with one action, everyone is power profound bewitching clan Jiao Jiao, dashes up world who can the person block?!"One makes nearby 2310 wild dog Jings lead at him right away under hurtled up, once the silver stick saw come right away spirit, "Dong Dong Dong" a few drums ring, the devils at heart presents to maneuver to gallop about in himself/herself and hordes of troops and horses of prospects, each has a boiling passion.The silver stick took the lead to hold a wolf tooth stick to hurtle up.
Chen Song's waiting a person don't expect will have so big mishap, quickly shout loudly a way:"Empress Yi way way friend preparation, cover with to fly arrows!"Saw seven so-called absolute being arrowses Wei that kind of appearance Wu Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Feng of the awe-inspiring wait a person early eager to have a try, this time where also hesitate, 4510 after the Yi way middleman project a full sky of arrows of flyings.The silver stick is cold cold on smiling, shout at top of voice:"Burning night wolf!"The together huge black flame takes everything away, a full sky of fly arrows almost to reduce to ashes in the moment, " petty skill dare also show off in this king's in front."The demon clan vehemence immediately and greatly flaps, " opens mountain one ax!"Thick soil wise powerful ruler blood Wang Shen Fu suddenly bomb at ground up, together huge fracture"Mao Ca" one appears at public in front, have if the absolute being helps of the thick soil wise powerful ruler abruptly had the crack of one Zhang this breadth to change ten forward several Zhangs are far, the developing of way door is immediately greatly disorderly.Mutually the Wu Jun of cloud, Chen Song and dragon persons, such as wood and eastern cloud...etc. have to immediately fly a body but rise and respectively tee off an attack to force to back thick soil wise powerful ruler, but vehemence and of the way door the type no longer reply existence.
The poison tail wise powerful ruler cachinnation way:"See Lao Tze's killing needle!"Voice well don't fall in of time, front row a few pupils have already bellowed to pour at ground up, the facial expression in a twinkling becomes sauce purple and obviously wins deadly poison.The wise powerful rulers like thief,etc finally flies off the handle, "Sou Sou Sou" a few figures fly the devil row or column of going into the aggression inside, way door middleman most would not like to the circumstance seeing took place, power quite good devils finally still kept starting aggression, and still had the superior of a lot of wise powerful ruler classes to mix in the interval, way door pupil at very short several seconds, death and harm more than ten, the devils turn an eye to hurtle to oneself's in front.
Back!Will let the devils the morale greatly increase to make track for oneself to beat and face up more than half ways door pupil spreading the above superior of person's Class can force to cope with, besides which, all have no what actually of function, devil violent body although rather evil clan but compare generally fix a way to want strong a lot of."Long Xing's world!"Cloud Wu Jun Gang's tooth tightly bites, suddenly starts to fly a way sword with narrow but intensive way the spirit flew to go out, one breath blunt Related articles:

